This particular mechanic might be working as intended, but I don't believe that it should work the way it does.
As of now, Vault interrupts channels and casting, which is fine, I think it's a good mechanic for Quinn ot have considering her kit. However, also as of now, if Quinn is kitting and uses vault to make distance, champions can have casts ready such that the moment she hits them, she gets hit by those spells. The main problem I have with this mechanic is in regards to spells like Flip from Singed. Using your kit as Quinn to kite actually gets you thrown into the enemy team, which in my opinion is kind of silly.
At least with other abilities that Flip overrides, they are in a position such that they would be flipped had they not used their ability. Vault is different. You are actually outside of Flip range before you use it, but you use it in order to make more difference. The tool that Quinn is given to kite shouldn't work against her just because of what I believe is an unfortunate mechanic.
So I suggest this change. When Quinn is using Vault on an enemy champion, she cannot be targeted by the champion she is vaulting towards near the end of her leap. This leaves counterplay by other members of the team to stop her. Which I think is fine, some counterplay is always a good thing to have. But to have your major kitting skill be hardcountered by certain champions without any actual thought involved seems a little too much.
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