Hey everyone, sorry I've been so lax on posts but I have a bunch of them in the works. I did want to post this one though because I think it would be a really solid change, especially because of the effect it would have on balance Right Now.
Oracles is in my opinion pretty well balanced. It has strengths and weaknesses that are both realistic. A short range so that clearing wards isn't super easy and safe. It has a duration so that you can't use it to snowball games like you used to be able to do. It survives through death meaning it isn't necessarily a huge lightning rod for the enemy team to strike you.
While I think all of these things are great, I believe that there should be a small change added to Oracles. I think that while the radius for seeing wards and shrooms and things like that should stay small as it is, the radius for seeing stealthed champions should be widened considerably. With the current strength of Vayne and Rengar being so high right now, I believe that increasing the range that oracles gives you vision of them during your stealth so you have more of a chance for actual counterplay to those mechanics is not only reasonable but would go a long way towards helping to balance those champions. You could put down pinks fairly easily for Vayne when you see her ult but Rengar can come stealthing/ulting from a huge distance away. It would even be good for handling Twitch assassinations later on.
And while these champions are balanced to an extent around being able to pull these plays off, there should exist more realistic counterplay than there is. And I believe that this change to oracles will provide that.
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