Whether or not you think Nidalee is a dumb champion. Whether or not you think she should be deleted from the league or played all the time. I believe that we can all agree that her cougar form abilities, w and e are really annoying to use.
When I say w and e, I speak of Pounce and Swipe. They both have nothing to do with mouse placement and everything to do with champion positioning. And while this is a mechanic that adds challenge to Nidalee, I find it does so in a frustrating and pointless way.
It doesn't make Nidalee harder as a champion by forcing you to outplay your opponent or think ahead of them, it does so in a way which forces you to cope with game mechanics and things like minion pathing. Now making the game easier shouldn't necessarily be a goal for LoL because challenge makes the game more interesting, but we shouldn't do it in such a way that the challenge comes from having to deal with ugly mechanics.
In the interest of making these changes I suggest that at the very least we should change Pounce to how it works with Rivan's Q, Broken Wings, in that if your mouse is hovering over an enemy target, you Pounce towards that target and not in the direction you're facing. At most we should be able to actually have her choose where she leaps to, similar to Graves' quickdraw.
Swipe should get similar treatment to Cho's cone silence. You should be able position your mouse and use it in the direction you choose. You shouldn't be at the mercy of creep blocks etc when using your abilities directionally.
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