Sunday, April 14, 2013

Snares Effect On Autos

I'm sure all of you have at one point stepped on a Cait trap and auto attacked nearby units, generally minions.  And while there are situations in which this can be helpful, most of the time it's annoying and sometimes it can even be quite harmful.

Now, there are settings you can make that you never AA unless you click or attack move, but the problem is that it takes away your ability to stand still and attack targets that come into range AS they come into range.  The most important of these being wards.

Placing yourself out of range of the minions but in AA range of wards can net you kills on them if your ADC is paying attention.  And while one could argue this in itself is a bad mechanic, I find it interesting and either way it's a different argument overall.

The point is that there are reasons to not want to only attack targets that you choose in order to avoid issues with snaring and autos.  A player shouldn't have to handicap themselves in order to avoid auto attacks instantly the moment you get snared.

So, I propose that there should be a change made to snares such that if you were moving when you were snared, unless it was towards a target that you had chosen to attack, when you get snared, it should act as if you pressed s and you shouldn't auto attack.  Now, if you were standing still when you got snared and hadn't pressed s, you should auto attack naturally if a target comes close.

Essentially what I want to change is that if you are snared in the act of attacking or when capable of attacking were a target to appear, you should continue to attack.  But, if you were not in a position that if a target came in range you would attack, such as if you were moving, then if you are snared you shouldn't start auto attacking.

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