1. Never help anyone if it puts your life at risk, they will live, would have lived, and you will die.
2. Never antagonize the enemy jungler. He will camp you.
3. If you have a ward and don't use it, you will get ganked.
4. If you safely ward all entrances to your lane, the jungler will not even come close to it, whether they know about your wards or not.
5. If you ward with your laner close, the jungler will be in the bush you ward and will kill you as you place it.
6. The last tick of ignite always kills you.
7. Learn to support you'll have to do it. Never main support it'll always be taken.
8. If you're not sure if you should Ult/Ignite/Item, do it, because if you don't, they won't die.
9. If you try and give your carry a kill, they won't die.
10. If you try and secure a kill for your team, your carry would have killed them.
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