Monday, May 13, 2013

Clairvoyance - A Small Change

Let’s take a moment to look at the summoner spell Clairvoyance.  It’s completely global, meaning it can be used anywhere on the map from anywhere else on the map.  It has no range limitations.  It has a low CD for a summoner spell, the lowest there is.  However, aside from giving you vision, it doesn't have any potential in combat.  It doesn't slow someone down or raise you and your teammates health.  It doesn't mitigate any damage or do any damage to the enemy.  In other words it’s essentially only useful in regards to utility.

While Clairvoyance has its benefits, it also has some major drawbacks when compared to the other summoner spells which is why CV almost never sees use in league.  I would like to change this.  I would like to see CV come back into play if only because it would be interesting to see the plays people could make with it.

So, my suggestion is that the vision given by Clairvoyance should be counted as assistance enough to be an assist on kills.  By this I mean that were you to use Clairvoyance on an enemy and were that enemy to die within assist timers, the person having used CV should get an assist on the kill.

To take this from a purely logical stance, this change makes perfect sense.  While vision can’t always change how a fight would go, it certainly Can change how a fight will go just like any other ability that gives players an assist.  Vision can allow you to see areas with Fog of War so that you don’t get juked.  It can allow you to properly line up skill shots into areas where there are Fog as well.   CV can give you vision of important objectives long enough to make plays into the area, especially if it’s  pinked or someone on the enemy team has an oracles and is constantly clearing your wards.

From a balance perspective, making this change would meet the goal I spoke about earlier, making summoner spells more on even ground in order to see more use of different spells.  If you could get extra assist gold from CV then it might be picked at least somewhat more often than it is now.  And doing so wouldn't change the game all that much.  Stacking CVs to get everyone assists would be pointless since assist gold is split between those getting it. 

It would also have the added benefit of giving the support, who would most likely get this skill, more incentive to be more observant and give them more reasons to fill the as-of-now least liked spot of supporting.  At the same time it would give supports more options in regards to vision without making them feel as if they are crippling themselves by not having exhaust or ignite.

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