So one thing I haven't seen since I started playing League of Legends is a new summoner spell.
So I figured I would come up with something that I think might be an interesting addition to the summoner spells we already have.
So let's take a quick look. We have healing (Heal). We have damage (Ignite). Mana (Clarity). Slower total map movement (TP). Quick short distance movement (Flash). Movement speed (Ghost). Vision (CV). Objective control/damage (Smite). Revive. Anti-CC (Cleanse). Slow/damage reduction (Exhaust). Shield (Barrier).
These are the categories for items:
Attack: Damage - Attack Speed - Life Steal - Critical Strike
Magic: Mana - Cooldown Reduction - Mana Regen - Spell Damage
Defense: Armor - Health - Health Regen - Magic Resist
Misc: Movement - Consumable
One could argue that all of these are in some way shown to an extent except for one.
CDR doesn't directly relate to doing damage, shielding, giving vision or anything specific because it is different to every champ. It's pretty easy to say that Heal covers life steal, health, and health regen. You could argue that Ignite covers damage, spell damage, attack speed and crit. Clarity covers mana and mana regen. Flash/TP/Ghost cover movement. Shield could cover armor and MR. But CDR could mean anything.
So what if there was a summoner spell that directly affected the cooldowns of your abilities? We could call it:
Reduces the cooldown of all champion abilities with a baseline cooldown of less than 30 seconds by half of their current cooldown timer.
Obviously this wouldn't be set in stone and it would need extensive testing for balancing. However I think this would be an interesting addition to our list of summoner spells.
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