I would like to propose the following price changes:
Amplifying Tome - 400g
Boots of Speed- 300g
Null-Magic Mantle - 300g
Why? Well, let's start with the Amp Tome.
As of now if you want an item that builds into core items, gives offensive power(AD or AP) and can be bought on the standard 475g starting limit, your option for AD is Long Sword and your option for AP is Amplifying Tome. Long Sword is 400g, and allows you to buy two potions. Amp Tome is 435 and only allows you to buy one.
I don't particularly see the reason for this. The difference between two potions and one potion might not seem like a lot, but it really is. It's double the lane sustain. It's reasonably to lane for a good period of time and avoid enough damage to only need two potions before backing for items. It isn't nearly as possible with only one.
By making Amp Tome only 400g, AP champions can buy early damage and enough sustain to reasonably stay in lane for a proper amount of time. It would put them on par with AD champions who can already do this with a Long Sword.
Next is Boots of Speed.
Honestly, I feel as if the nerd to Boots without any change in price was a little harsh. You can only get 3 potions with your boots and it isn't really that much MS at all.
If Boots were only 300g and you could start with 5 potions just like if you were running cloth armor to handle AD lanes, I feel as if it would see a lot more activity in games. It would also be bought earlier in general since as of now boots are so often not bought until quite late on many champions.
Finally we have Null-Magic Mantle.
The idea for this change is somewhat similar to the reason for the Amp Tome change, balance between AP and AD. I believe that it should be on the same level as cloth armor, that starting defensive allows you to get 5 potions. This would give resourceless champions more starting defensive items not to mention anyone in lane against a high magic damage dealer.
Recipes could easily be altered to keep prices for bigger items the same in all of these cases.
Overall I believe these changes should be made because balance between AD and AP helps to keep both sides being used in games. It also gives more options, viable options, for starting builds so that summoners can run their early game in different and interesting ways.
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