Monday, June 17, 2013

Hungering Strike - The Chomp Treatment

As of now I would say that Warwick isn't a strong champion, especially as a jungler which is really what I believe to be his main purpose as a champion.  His pre-6 presence is almost non-existant and his post 6 presence is only dangerous is his ult is ready to use.  And unlike champions like Diana his post 6 ganks won't all be with his ult ready to go unless he ganks very infrequently.

However, because of how he works, between his sustain, damage and his skillset, I don't think it would be wise to buff him in too significant a manner.  But one change that I think would really help to give him at least Some pre-6 pressure would be to give his Q, Hungering Strike, the same treatment that Trundle's Q, Chomp got.  That is, give it a significant slow that is very short in duration.

This would essentially give Warwick a little bit of pre-6 CC without making him imbalanced.  And in specific it would help him in getting to a target in order to apply red buff which is a major problem he has.  The cooldown isn't short enough that this change would cause major problems and it isn't a big enough buff to push him over the top in any way.  Essentially it would give him that little extra kick in order to no longer be an almost non-factor.

The change could look something like this:

ACTIVE: Warwick swipes at a target enemy, dealing magic damage for the greater value between a flat minimum amountor a percentage of the target's maximum health (if the target is a champion), plus additional bonus damage based on his ability power and slowing his target by 75% for 0.1 seconds. Hungering Strike can only deal the flat damage to minions and monsters.
Warwick heals himself for 80% of the damage dealt (after reductions).

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