Saturday, October 5, 2013

Follow Up - Ward Radius

A while ago I posted about how I would love to see a ward radius when you're setting down a ward.  And I still think that would be a really nice thing to add Riot!!!  Plz.

But the other day I was thinking about a different addition to wards that I would love to see.  Basically, if you've placed a ward, when you mouse over it, you should be able to see the vision radius.  Now some people will say you should just Know the vision radius.  To them I respond that it's the same idea as smartcasting spells.  Just because you have a very good grasp of a spell does not mean you should never normal cast a spell, even pros do it all the time.

The reason I want to see this in-game is because there will be plenty of times where you will have vision of the area that a ward covers through other means than the ward.  For instance, if you or a teammate is standing near a ward, or you have two wards close together.  You shouldn't have to leave a wards area to see it's radius.  And other than instinctively knowing the radius, you won't be able to distinguish between two wards radii.

But what's the actual point?  Good question!  True sight.  If one of these hypothetical wards is a pink ward, you'll want to know what area it actually covers before you leave it or before any wards close to it expire. It's also nice to actually know what you can see and what you can't if your video settings aren't the best.

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