Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kha'Zix - Better Nerfs

While nerfing Kha'Zix's damage is certainly one way to reduce his power, in my opinion the better way to curb his power is to touch on the range of his E.
Right now the baseline range of his hop is 600.  It's about middle of the pack in terms of mobility spells overall and on the short side in terms of actual gap closers.
When evolved, Kha'Zix's E increases 300 range going up to 900, straight to the very top in terms of range on gap closers.  Not only this, but kills and assists refresh the ability.

Important Side Note:
One of the things Riot wanted to do in changing his W was to make it more of an option than a requirement.  But right now, evolving E is a requirement on Kha because it gives him So much more mobility between the reset and the increased range.

Let's make Kha's E evolution give less range, around 200 or maybe even just 150.  This keeps his E evolution very strong by giving it resets and tons of mobility in teamfights but it stops him from hopping the majority of an entire screen onto squishies, deleting them and hopping another almost entire screen away with relative lack of counterplay.

Essentially, this change would make it both harer to get onto his target and harder to escape once that target is dead.  A Kha'Zix will have to play smarter in order to be as effective as they are now instead of simply needing to be more fed.

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