Friday, September 20, 2013

IP Multiplier - Good Behavior

This is an idea that I've seen thrown out a few times.  If you behave well in game, you should be rewarded with higher IP gains.  There are plenty of ways this could be implemented but this is how I would do it myself.

Everyone should have a new bar, call it Influence perhaps.  This bar would be similar to the bar that shows you how close to rerolls you are when playing ARAMs.  Only instead of going down once you get to 1 reroll or after using a reroll, this bar will go up and down depending on how you act in game.

Essentially for every game that you aren't reported, your bar will go up a small amount.  Every game that you get honor, your bar will go up even more.  More honors can be higher gains.

On the other hand, if you play a game and get reported, your bar will not go up at all, and if the tribunal gets enough reports then your bar will be pushed back down to 0 or perhaps lowered by a high amount.

There will be a bunch of things to contain common problems.  For instance if multiple people in a premade report you then it will only act as if one person reported you.  If your friends or premade members give you honor it will count for a very very small amount compared to randoms.  If reports turn out to be bogus in the tribunal, gains you would normally have gotten will be returned.

I'm sure this system would require a lot of minutia, planning and coding but I think it would address a lot of issues.

It would reward people for good behavior, resulting in less toxicity.  It would also fix the problem of low IP gains which a lot of people complain about it.  But it would do it in a way that doesn't simply give more IP.

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