Friday, July 26, 2013

Doran's Blade - A Tad Too Strong

I think that it's cool that Riot was able to move the game away from everyone and their grandparents starting boots 3 pots.  I like what they did to Doran's Blade to make it better in lane and less effective late game.  I think it was the right direction.

But now we see pretty much every ADC starting Doran's Blade, heck top laners and even junglers are starting with it.  And is that really any better in terms of options than everyone going boots + pots?

Doran's Blade is simply too good as a starting item.  It gives you sustain, extra health and damage.  Not only does it give you so many things, what it gives are is also strong.  There's no way to get more AD than a Doran's Blade out of the fountain.  You can get equal AD with a long sword but you won't get the health and depending how much you AA you won't even get more sustain (health pots vs. the Doran's heal).

So, I suggest that the AD on Doran's Blade be lowered slightly.  Perhaps bring it to 7 or 8.  This way it's still good, it still helps you last hit and trade, but it doesn't give you as much damage as someone starting a long sword.  It makes starting with other items more of a realistic option.

This would also fit with Doran's Ring vs. Amp Tome comparison, where Amp tome gives more AP while Doran's Ring gives you more than Just AP.  Or Doran's Shield vs. Ruby Crystal.

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