Saturday, May 18, 2013

QoL Change - Going Into Spectate/Games

This isn't a major issue by any stretch of the imagination but I think it's a realistic request that doesn't have any negative consequences.

As of now, if you enter spectate mode or a game, as far as I am aware, the respond function has no use until you are actually messaged from within that game.  What I mean by this is if someone messaged you before you went into the game, you could not type in /r to respond to them, you would need to whisper them normally.

I think that a nice little change would be that no matter when you start spectating/playing, as long as someone has messaged you while you have had LoL open during the current session, the /r command will respond to the last person to message you.

To put this a little more specifically, if you are using the client and talking to someone through PMs and then enter a game or start to spectate, no matter if they messaged you while you were in the game or not, if you type in /r and start typing, it will choose the person you are whispering to as the last person to send you a PM, as if they had sent that PM in the current way things are, during that game.

This change will make it so that if you were having a conversation outside of a game and enter into a game while the other person is waiting for a response you will no longer need to type in their summoner name to whisper them.  You would simply be able to type in /r and start typing your message just like if they had messaged you while you were already in the game.

Like I said, it's not a big deal, and the work around is usually pretty simple, but it would certainly make continuing conversations from the client into games easier.  It would be especially helpful in regards to people who have characters in their names that need alt codes etc.

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