Sunday, May 5, 2013

Solo Lane Nunu

So as a few people have no doubt seen, laning Nunu is quite silly.  He has ranged, high damage, non skill shot harass on his E.  Mobility in his W.  Mana sustain in his passive.  Crazy health sustain in his Q.  Now while I don't want to take away his strong laning phase, since late game AP Nunu isn't all that scary to a lot of teams, especially ones with any kind of AoE hard CC,  I do believe that as of now he is too strong in lane and needs a change.

It's not abnormal to have twice to three times as much CS as the person you are laning against because of how hard it is to handle AP Nunu in lane.  ( I see this disparity fairly consistently in regards to AP Nunu vs. most mids).

So I propose two changes that should curtail the problem somewhat.

1 - Increase the mana cost of his Consume.

2 - Increase the CD of Consume.

What will this do?  Well, for the first, it will make Nunu rely on his passive more heavily in order to avoid going oom.  Since his consume will cost more mana, if he is using it on CD along with his snowball, in order to keep up the pace he will need to use Visionary.  In order to use Visionary, he will need to AA more.  By AA-ing more, he will push his lane and put him into a position to be ganked.

In other words, it changes his kit such that he will be put into more danger to get CS and will therefore have another weakness that can be exploited in lane.

The second change to increase the CD of consume, will make it so that Nunu can ignore less harass than he can as of now.  While Consume isn't a short CD, it isn't overly long either.  He can use it fairly often and that early in the game most champions don't have enough damage to get through the constant healing without playing much much better than him.  Which I think is a problematic design, that one has to play that much better than the person you are against to beat him.

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