Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The "Normal Game Who Cares" Philosophy

Pretty sure everyone has said or heard some version of "Who cares, it's a normal."  It's quite a widespread idea in the league community although it has a bunch of different versions and purposes.

Some people use it as an excuse to troll normals, not just try something new, but to excuse their own bad behavior in the game.  Others use it as an excuse to try new things that aren't meta.  Some people use it to explain why they want to end a game, to surrender.

Some of these reasons can have at least some realistic purpose.  Others do not.  Some of them I can see having clear logical bases that should be taken into consideration and others are simply a player's way of trying to shift blame.

Feeding - Just a Normal

This is not ok.  Being outplayed, getting dove, being camped, these are ok.  These things happen.  Death is a part of LoL and everyone dies.  Feeding is not these things.  Feeding is going into situations that you know you'll die in without caring.  It's suiciding without a purpose.  Going into the enemy team with intent to die and then saying it's just a normal does not make it ok.

Non Meta - Just a Normal

This refers to players who are playing a champion in an odd way or in a role they aren't really designed for.  Right off the bat, this is fine.  For one thing, doing non meta things in ranked is fine, there is no rule saying you must follow the meta.  So, doing it in a normal is completely ok.  As long as you truly attempt to win with the build you are using in the lane you are in, there is nothing wrong with trying out weird things, especially in normals

Surrender - Just a Normal

This is where we start seeing shades of gray and less black and white.  Surrender is something that can be realistic considering the circumstances or unrealistic for the same reason.  If your entire team lost their lanes and for the most part your late game is inferior and you aren't ahead in objectives, it's kind of logical to want to get into a new game when losing the game you're in has no real consequences.
However if one person got dunked in lane by a weak late game hero and everyone else is doing fine, that's not so reasonable to expect a surrender.  Yes, it's somewhat reasonable to initiate it and see if everyone else wants to end the game as well, but bringing out the "Just a normal" argument is pretty weak in cases like these.

At the end of the day when you break it down, there are arguments that work with the idea of Just a Normal and ones that don't.  It comes down to whether or not your justification is reasonable or whether it's only selfish.

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